Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Brooke is 6!

I think I have came to realize that it is not the fact that I am having more birthdays that makes me feel older, because really who feels old at 29....again  ; ) It is that fact that my kids keep getting older that makes me feel old! My baby is 6 today how did this happen?  Time goes so fast.  We are so blessed to have miss Brooke in our life. She is so caring, funny, and loves her family and the Gospel so much. Being that she is the 4th child I still would want her on my side if I was ever in a fight. She can sure hold her own. We love you soooo much Miss Brooke. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

                      Notice the noose on the poor unicorn. yep that is how the Z's tie a pinata up.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blazers Baby!

Ryan was given Blazer tickets the other night. At first I thought, oh fun that would be a good trip for him and Bodie. Then he told me where the seats were. 5th row! Is it bad of me that I no longer cared how much joy that this would bring to my 11 year old and quickly found someone to watch my kids so I COULD GO. (Remember the Seattle post where I spoke of feeling like I needed to be a better mom? ) I guess there is no hope for me. I felt like I was soooo cool. We even had VIP parking. lets just say I did feel a little out of place parking next to all of the BMWs, Mercedes, or any other high end car that you can think of. We drove the Honda, or AKA rice and beans as Ryan calls it. I would explain why he calls it that but it is far to racist and I don't want to offend anyone ; ) It was a fun night away with Ryan. I did feel bad about not letting Bodie go though because Lamicheal James was in the audience. He is Bodie's favorite player for the Ducks. What makes me even a worse mom is that I told him that he was there! See I told you, no hope for me!!

                                                         One point a way from free chalupas!

Spring break fun.

Last week was spring break and we were invited to go to the space/air museum with some friends. After checking out all of the cool space things we decided to go have some lunch and let the kids play outside on the play ground. Since it was the ONLY nice day of spring break I am happy that they did play.  After playing for about and hr we herd a loud helicopter over head. I could not see it and was waiting for it to come into view but it didn't. Bodie had made some friends with some boys and they were playing football in the parking lot. All of a sudden they start RUNNING to the other end of the parking lot. All I could think of was all of their heads getting cut off from the rotors so I too made my way to the end of the parking lot.  Their was a huge chinook (sp) landing! So cool. They let the kids go inside and even sit in the cockpit.  Well that seemed to make their day because after the tour of it Ashlyn said "BEST SPRING BREAK EVER!" I am so happy that my kids are easy to please. : )

My time to brag

So there comes a time in ones marriage that you must brag about the wonderful spouse that they have. Well that time has come for me. Ok I have bragged  about Ryan before but an opportunity has arose again. As some of you may know Ryan spends many of hrs at the fire dept. He was even elected president over the volunteers this year. He loves being able to serve in the community and the friendships that he has made with the wonderful firefighters. He goes and works a 12 hr shift once a week from 7pm -7am and then goes to his regular day job. There are days that he is very tired from being up all night but he is happy to sacrifice some sleep to do what he loves. This year all of his hard work has payed off. He was awarded with the EMT of the year for 2011. I was so proud of him! Keep up the great work babe. It is so rewording as a wife to see all the hard work that your husband does and then have them get recognized for it. 

Seattle adventures.

It is amazing how fast you can get behind! I figured I had better post some more or my book at the end of the year will be very small!

Every year Ryan and I go to help some friends at the Seattle kennel club dog show. Well I guess it is not so much of "me" but more of just Ryan. I get a free weekend and happily spend Ryan's money as he makes it. Hey that is what we do best right ; ) This year I was feeling a little like I needed to be a better mom, for reasons that we will not disclose in this post! Please tell me I am not the ONLY mom that feels this way every now and then. I decided that I would give up MY free weekend and take the older two kiddos with us. We had a great time!  I love seeing their little personality's come out in different ways when their younger siblings are not around. We also got a chance to go visit some old friends when we were there. Our Bodie was finally able to meet their Bodie. They liked the name so much they decided to use it for their son. Our Bodie thought that was SOOOO cool!

We went glow mini golfing. I am going to blame the poor score on the lack of light! The kiddos kicked my bum! 

 This chair was at the science museum. Ash looks so small compared to it.
Now that is a chess board!

They have a huge butterfly exhibit a the science museum. I think we spent at least 1/2 hr in there because the kids wanted so badly to have a butterfly land on them.

 We have been going to Seattle for 4 years now to help with this dog show and I still have not gone into the space needle. Just not a fan of heights.  Looks great from the ground to me!

The two Bodies aren't they so cute!